Wednesday, July 31, 2013

First Day

Survived Math, CAF and CLE exams! I'm happy that my hard work payed off. Seriously it feels great. Almost all the lessons that I studied on appeared on the exam. I thank God for guiding me through the examinations and St. Joseph of Cupertino. 2 days to go! Positive vibes all the way!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Full Time Student

Tomorrow is going to be our exams for the first quarter. I haven't studied in all subject because are loads of work to do. And projects are due on Friday. Despite all the task we should accomplish within this week I still remained calm because I know if I stressed out there wouldn't success in my work. As a fourth year learner, I learned that we should balance our time well because if we made a mistake in balancing our time, well, there would be chaos and a lot of stress. Time is gold and yes it is really true. This week we are expected to comply with our tasks. Stressful isn't it? But we should be calm and balance our time properly. And have fun of course.

Oh my Greeks

Today in our English class we had our presentations of our monologues. I was Hera, the goddess of marriage and childbirth. I'm also Zeus' wife. My classmates roles were amazing. We laughed and we had fun. But the most important part is that we learned many facts about the Greek gods and goddesses. And we learned to break out of our shells in order to present well.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Not ready for the main dish

Thanks God it's Friday! But bummer that was only our appetizer and the main course is going to be next week. I should start studying. And tomorrow is our entrance exam for Assumption San Lorenzo. Well, it isn't my dream school but it's still part of my list for colleges that I will apply to. There are so many tasks to do in the weekend! How can I enjoy my weekend? I need rest but I have so study. It's better to prepared than to cram, right? So help me God! Going to make my weekend productive.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stress Week

                   Today was a a bit challenging or me because we had our mastery test. And the fact we have loads of things to do for example projects, entrance exams, exams, application forms and we have CAT earlier. Now my body is aching because i'm so tired from all the marching and exercises. And the fact that we have to study for tomorrows mastery test. But I know that its only the first part of our senior year. This is just the start of our challenges and tasks in order to reach our goals and to do our part in order to graduate. I always put into mind that my future starts now. What I do today, it will really have a mark on my life. As the saying goes "You only live once" for me it means that we should do good now in order to say that we indeed did our best and lived to the fullest. I realized that we don't need to get attention in order to graduate but all we need is motivation to do our best and to march on March. Good vibes for SY 2013-2014

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

We run our own world

Credits to Kristah Perez

When we are together it seems like we have our own world. Jealousy or competition doesn't exist in our friendship because instead of putting each other down, we motivate each other to do good in our studies and in everything we do. For us, we don't need to compete with each other because it doesn't help us to be stronger and better it only define how selfish we are because we want to be on top. I'm very thankful to have them because they brought out the best in me and the taught me to be strong and to speak up for what I believe is true and right. I love them and they mean everything to me.

Celebration Time

Tito Roy, it's your birthday today. I was expecting you to come by our house and tell us that you have cooked us food for us to eat together. Since you left us here tito Roy, we realized how much you made a mark in our lives. You made us laugh despite the challenges you are facing each day. Happy birthday Tito Roy! I know you are now at rest with our Father. He gave you rest because you finished your mission here on Earth. Now, it's our time to help your family and support them and make them strong in order to succeed in life. We love you and miss you! Guide us and protect us always please.