Monday, October 14, 2013

C. H. A. N. G. E.

Bullying is a crime. Bullying is a sin. Bullying will break you down. Bullying will kill you. Some people aren't aware of that. They still do it for their own selfish reasons. Some people say it will boost their confidence but do you really think that it is worth it? That you'll risk a person's life for your own reasons? Be the change the world wants to see in our generation. Stop being so hard headed and realize that it isn't cool when you bully someone. Stop it and do something good. Let your generation know that you still have the chance to correct your wrong doings. Stop bullying and make a change.

Hashtag Brother

This guy has been my protector and my defender for a long time now. But it was late when I realized all of this because we usually get into fights that will last for several weeks or so. But i'm so lucky to have him and to be his little sister. Every time that I have a problem, he'll always be there for me and would give me pieces of advice. Jan Carlos A. Pacat, i love you and I know you won't see this but i'm really thankful to have you in my life. Stay cool and safe.

Girls In Green

My club for this year is Girl's Scout. For me, it made me realize I have the potential to be a leader in my own way. And one way is to join not just a club but an organization. We meet every Thursday and do activities together with our fellow scouts. It gives us more ideas on what to do in order to survive. But this week would be our last meeting because they will announce our tribes for Intramurals 2013. Going to make this worth it and enjoyable,

Throwback not Thursday ey

I miss Summer so much. No stress just fun all day under the sun. But I should accept reality because it has really been stressful these past few months because I should work hard and study hard in order for me to pass my subjects this 4th year. And to learn new lessons because it might appear in entrance exams. But after all the sacrifices that I did and I will still do this last year in high school, I know it will be worth it. Have fun but learn at the same time.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Face the Book

First day of exams will be tomorrow and I studied well, I guess. Because I copied notes in Physics and it is already stuck in my head. And that's a good thing. But i'm scared because of CAF. We have to study all chapters in El Filibusterismo. Like seriously? Ugh. But still the story is great. And the last subject for tomorrow is Journalism. I'm currently studying my notes because I'm scared and I don't know why. Well, good luck for me and for everyone. Let the headache begin.