Friday, June 28, 2013

Senioritas and senioritos


                            LAST YEAR. LAST EVERYTHING.

                    So classes started last June 5 2013. I wasn't expecting that I would be with boys for my last year. Well I guess my streak has been broken. I see this as a positive sign because for me to succeed in life I should know to interact or socialize withother people. And I should go out of my comfort zone. I keep repeating to myself that I should try harder in order to reach my goals. And in order to enroll in a good school when I graduate in highschool. Everyday I cherish the times that I still have in school because when I go out of Assumption I know I would really miss my life here. For me, senior year is the most fun yet challenging year because we have to make memories and we should focus in our studies because we'll need it for college life. For my last year in school I stribe to make a change. In my studies, on how I interact in class and outside the classroom. Last chance to make somethig new in Assumption and I will do everythingin order to make a change in my higschool life. Let's go seniors! We shall march on March!

Computer Class


                               PHOTOGRAPHY CLASS 101

    I'm a newbie when it comes to photography because it's not my thing. I don't know how to take good pictures and how to take it from a good angle. So here is my first picture. Credits for Kristah Perez for lending me her camera to take this picture.

Find happiness inside a bottle